Yasser Seirawan (born March 24, 1960) is a chess grandmaster and four-time United States champion. He was winner of the World Junior Chess Championship in 1979. Seirawan is also a published chess author and commentator.He has written several books among which we find "Inside Chess 01-20" which is a very instructive guide to mastering chess !Download it here : https://www.dropbox.com/s/ipdckpzusjq60ff/Yasser%20Seirawan%20-%20Inside%20Chess%2001-20.pdf
Other books of Yasser : The popular "Winning Chess" series (with co-author IM Jeremy Silman) which we'll upload soon :
- Play Winning Chess - Introduction to chess and some basic strategies
- Winning Chess Tactics - Introduction to tactics with puzzles
- Winning Chess Strategies - How to use small advantages and use strategies to gain them
- Winning Chess Openings - Brief descriptions of the most popular openings, and opening strategies
- Winning Chess Endings - Introduction to the endgame
- Winning Chess Brilliancies - Notable games analyzed by the author
- Winning Chess Combinations - How to recognize the main combination patterns; somewhat of a follow up to Winning Chess Tactics Feel free to leave a comment !